Toby Haynes

Episodes Broadcast: 2010-2011


Toby Haynes was a longtime Doctor Who fan who trained at the National Film and Television School. He graduated in 2003, and his television debut came the following year on an episode of Coming Up. Haynes was soon working steadily, making ten installments of MI High alongside shows like Spooks: Code 9 and Being Human. He then became the first director to be responsible for three consecutive Doctor Who stories -- albeit only in broadcast, not production, order. All three starred Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, and included the 2010 season finale, the same year's Christmas special, and lastly the 2011 season premiere. Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat then hired Haynes for his other show, Sherlock, where he directed 2012's critically-acclaimed The Reichenbach Fall.

Haynes' other work during the early part of the decade included Five Days, Wallander and The Musketeers. Having established his telefantasy bonafides, he was handed the reins for all seven episodes of the lavish 2015 adaptation of Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, on which he was also an executive producer. In 2017, Haynes directed an installment of Black Mirror which served as an homage to Star Trek. His first project during the Twenties was as a director and executive producer on the American version of the science-fiction series Utopia. Sticking with genre programming, Haynes next became the lead director of the Star Wars spin-off Andor.

The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
A Christmas Carol
The Impossible Astronaut / Day Of The Moon

Updated 9th August 2022