WHOvivor Tribal Council 1

by Shannon Patrick Sullivan

One by one, the WHOvivors approach the Voting Booth of Rassilon.

"I'm voting for Alpha because that spineless multi-armed fool cost us the Immunity Challenge, and is by far the weakest link our tribe!" announces the Rani.

The Monk votes for Mel for "Subtle reasons, not exactly sure what they are. Well, except for the fact that every time she opens her mouth I want to shove my head inside a nuclear furnace."

Alpha votes for Mel as well. "But I'll miss her... invaluable input," she admits demurely.

When all the ballots are cast, Jeff announces "I'll go tally the votes." He leaves and returns momentarily with the ornate cask into which they all deposited their choices.

"First vote... Alpha.

"Second vote... Mel.

"Third vote... Alpha.

"Fourth vote... Adric.

"Fifth vote... Adric. That's two votes each for Alpha and Adric, and one vote for Mel.

"Sixth vote... Davros.

"Seventh vote... Mel.

"Final vote... Alpha. That's three votes for Alpha. Bring me your torch."

Jeff snuffs out Alpha's torch. "The tribe has spoken. It's time to go."

With a wave of all six of her appendages at the rest of her fellow castaways, Alpha ambles over to a transmat platform and disappears.

Alpha's Final Words

"Oh dear oh dear, it seems I'm the first to go. How very embarrassing." Alpha's normal green skin tone has turned rather pinkish.

"Oh my, I suppose the tribe did the right thing, they are a very fine bunch of people, and I guess in their foot garments I would have done the same thing and voted off the weakest person." Alpha's now turned a vivid red.

"I certainly feel that it was my fault that we lost the competition last night, and I am very sorry about it. I am very humiliated. Very, very--" Alpha turns an incredibly deep red and explodes into millions of little pieces.


3 votes against

Castaways voting against Alpha

2 votes against

Castaways voting against Adric

2 votes against

Castaways voting against Mel

1 vote against

Castaways voting against Davros

Disclaimer and Copyright

Doctor Who: WHOvivor is copyright © 2000 Shannon Patrick Sullivan. Correspondence is welcome at
shannon@mun.ca. No portion of this web site may reproduced without the consent of the author.

Doctor Who is copyright © 2000 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Survivor is copyright © 2000 CBS Worldwide, Inc. No infringement is intended upon the rights of the BBC, CBS Worldwide, or or any holders of any copyright referenced herein. This web site is intended solely as a work of parody.

WHOvivor logo courtesy Greg McElhatton.

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